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Can You Plant Roses And Hydrangeas Together

Can You Plant Roses and Hydrangeas Together?

Roses and hydrangeas are two of the most popular flowers in the world, and for good reason. They are both beautiful, fragrant, and come in a wide variety of colors. But can you plant them together?

The answer is yes, but with some caveats. Roses and hydrangeas have different sunlight and soil requirements, so you will need to choose varieties that are compatible. Roses need at least 6 hours of sunlight per day, while hydrangeas prefer partial shade. Roses also prefer a well-drained soil, while hydrangeas can tolerate a slightly more moist soil.

If you can find varieties of roses and hydrangeas that have similar sunlight and soil requirements, then you can plant them together. However, you may need to do some extra watering and fertilizing to keep them both happy.

Here are some specific varieties of roses and hydrangeas that can be planted together:

  • Roses: Knockout roses, David Austin roses, and floribunda roses are all good choices for planting with hydrangeas. These roses are all relatively low-maintenance and can tolerate a variety of conditions.
  • Hydrangeas: Annabelle hydrangeas, limelight hydrangeas, and panicle hydrangeas are all good choices for planting with roses. These hydrangeas all prefer partial shade and can tolerate a variety of soil conditions.

When planting roses and hydrangeas together, it is important to space them properly. Roses need about 3 feet of space around them, while hydrangeas need about 4 feet of space. This will give them both enough room to grow and thrive.

You can also plant roses and hydrangeas in a mixed border. This is a great way to create a beautiful and colorful garden. Just be sure to choose varieties that have similar sunlight and soil requirements.

With a little planning, you can easily plant roses and hydrangeas together and enjoy their beauty for years to come.


Here are some additional tips for planting roses and hydrangeas together:

  • Choose the right location. Roses and hydrangeas need different amounts of sunlight, so choose a location that will meet the needs of both plants. If you are planting them in a mixed border, make sure to group the plants together so that they get the right amount of sunlight.
  • Prepare the soil. Roses and hydrangeas both prefer well-drained soil. If your soil is heavy clay, you will need to amend it with compost or sand to improve drainage.
  • Plant the roses and hydrangeas at the correct depth. Roses should be planted at the same depth that they were growing in their nursery pot. Hydrangeas should be planted slightly deeper, so that the crown of the plant is just below the soil surface.
  • Water the roses and hydrangeas regularly. Roses and hydrangeas both need regular water, especially during the first year after planting. Be sure to water them deeply, so that the water reaches the roots.
  • Fertilize the roses and hydrangeas regularly. Roses and hydrangeas both benefit from regular fertilization. Use a balanced fertilizer, such as 10-10-10, and follow the directions on the label.
  • Deadhead the roses and hydrangeas regularly. Deadheading is the process of removing spent blooms. This will encourage the plants to produce more flowers.
  • Protect the roses and hydrangeas from pests and diseases. Roses and hydrangeas are susceptible to a variety of pests and diseases. Be sure to inspect your plants regularly and treat any problems as soon as possible.


Planting roses and hydrangeas together can be a beautiful and rewarding experience. By following these tips, you can ensure that your plants will thrive and provide you with years of enjoyment.


FAQ of planting roses and hydrangeas together

FAQs about Planting Roses and Hydrangeas Together

  • Can roses and hydrangeas be planted together?

Yes, roses and hydrangeas can be planted together. However, there are a few things to keep in mind to ensure that they thrive. Roses prefer full sun, while hydrangeas prefer partial shade. If you plant them in full sun, the hydrangeas may not bloom as well. You also need to make sure that the soil is well-drained. Roses and hydrangeas can both tolerate slightly acidic soil, but hydrangeas prefer a more acidic pH.

  • What are the benefits of planting roses and hydrangeas together?

There are a few benefits to planting roses and hydrangeas together. First, they can complement each other's beauty. Roses are known for their vibrant blooms, while hydrangeas offer a wide range of colors and flower shapes. Second, they can attract pollinators. Roses are a favorite of bees and butterflies, and hydrangeas attract hummingbirds. Third, they can help to improve the overall health of your garden. Roses can help to deter pests, and hydrangeas can help to improve the soil quality.

  • What are some tips for planting roses and hydrangeas together?

When planting roses and hydrangeas together, it is important to choose the right varieties. Look for roses that are tolerant of partial shade and hydrangeas that prefer a slightly acidic pH. You should also plant them at the correct depth. Roses should be planted so that the graft union is about 2 inches below the soil surface, while hydrangeas should be planted so that the top of the root ball is level with the soil surface.

  • How much space should you leave between roses and hydrangeas?

The amount of space you need to leave between roses and hydrangeas depends on the size of the plants. For smaller varieties, you can space them about 3 feet apart. For larger varieties, you may need to space them 6 feet or more apart.

  • How do you care for roses and hydrangeas planted together?

Roses and hydrangeas have similar care requirements. They both need regular watering, especially during hot, dry weather. You should also fertilize them once a month during the growing season. In the fall, you can prune both plants to remove dead or diseased growth.

Image of planting roses and hydrangeas together

Here are 5 different images of "planting roses and hydrangeas together" from Pinterest:

  1. A white rose bush and a pink hydrangea bush planted in the same bed. The roses are in bloom, and the hydrangeas are just starting to develop their flower buds. Image of White rose bush and pink hydrangea bush planted together
  2. A climbing rose bush growing up a trellis, with a hydrangea bush planted at the base of the trellis. The rose bush is in full bloom, and the hydrangea bush is covered in white flowers. Image of Climbing rose bush and hydrangea bush planted together
  3. A mixed border of roses and hydrangeas, with a variety of colors and sizes of flowers. The roses are in bloom, and the hydrangeas are just starting to develop their flower buds. Image of Mixed border of roses and hydrangeas
  4. A rose bush and a hydrangea bush planted in a pot on a patio. The rose bush is in bloom, and the hydrangea bush is covered in blue flowers. Image of Rose bush and hydrangea bush planted in pot on patio
  5. A rose bush and a hydrangea bush planted in a garden bed, with a walkway leading up to the bed. The rose bush is in bloom, and the hydrangea bush is covered in pink flowers. Image of Rose bush and hydrangea bush planted in garden bed

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